100 + US Photojournalists on IG
By Sean Rayford
I’m a photojournalist. I like photojournalism and documentary photography much more than I like sunsets, mountains or influencers. I like still photography with context. I don’t like vertical video. I like seeing what people do at their jobs, how they play, how they celebrate and grieve. I like seeing how poeple navigate the challenges that life throws at them. I like seeing how people do these things in my community and in other communities.
If you are like me, or want to add some storytelling about real people to that mix of sunsets and mountains - here’s a giant list of photojournalists and documentary photographers based in the United States and active on Instagram. Please contact me if I have overlooked anyone. I’m sure I did.
Mark Lester / @marclesterphoto / Anchorage, Alaska / Anchorage Daily News
Caitlin O’Hara / @caitlin_oh / Phoenix, Arizona
Kelly Presnell / @kellypresnell / Tucson, Arizona / Arizona Daily Star
Jessica Christian / @jachristian / San Fransisco, California / SF Chronicle
Patrick Fallon / @patrickfallon / Los Angeles, California / AFP
Brian Feinzimer / @bri.fei / Los Angeles, California
Kori Suzuki / @korisuzukiphoto / San Diego, California
Stepehen Lam / @stephenlamphoto / San Fransisco, California / SF Chronicle
Marlena Sloss / @Marlena Sloss / Oakland, California
Michael Ciaglo / @michaelciaglo / Denver, Colorado
Rachel Woolf / @rachelwoolfphoto / Denver, Colorado
Rudy Ortega/ rudyortega / Denver, Colorado
Al Drago / @al_drago / Washington, DC
Anna Rose Layden / @annaroselayden / Washington, DC
Chip Somodevilla / @somophoto / Washington, DC / Getty Images
Jim Watson / @jimwatsonafp / Washington, DC / AFP
Graeme Sloan / @graeme.sloan / Washington, DC
Ken Cedeno / @ken_cedeno / Washington, DC
Mary F. Calvert / @maryfcalvert / Washington, DC
Stephen Crowley / @crowleygraph / Washington, DC
Julia Nikhinson / @julia.nikhinson / Washington, DC
Kent Nishimuru / @kentnish / Washington, DC
Eric Lee / @itselee / Washington, DC
Crystal Vander Weit / @crystalvanderweit / Treasure Coast, Florida / Treasure Coast Palm
Dustin Chambers / @dustchambers / Atlanta, Georgia
Elijah Nouvelage / @wanderinghome / Atlanta, Georgia
Nicole Craine / @nicole_craine / Atlanta, Georgia
Erik Lesser / @epalesser / Atlanta, Georgia
Miguel Martinez / @mmartinezatl / Atlanta, Georgia / AJC
Max Gersh / @gershphoto / Indianapolis, Indiana / Indy Star
Jenna Watson / @jennajulyaugust / Indianapolis, Indiana / Indy Star
Brian Cassella / @briancassella / Chicago, Illinois / Chicago Tribune
Colin Boyle / @colinbphoto / Chicago, Illinois
Lily Smith / @lilyas53 / Des Moines, Iowa / Des Moines Register
Jordan Gale / @jordangalephoto / Iowa / Oregon
Joseph Cress / @josephwcress / Iowa City, Iowa
Luke Sharrett / @howdyluke / Louisville, Kentucky
Silas Walker / @silasiwalker / Lexington, Kentucky / Lexington Herald-Leader
Emily Kask / @ek_the_pj / New Orleans, Louisiana
Wayan Barre / @wayanbarre / New Orleans, Louisiana
Katina Zentz / @katzentzphotos / Frederick, Maryland / Fredererick News Post
Jessica Gallagher / @jessicagallagherimagery / Baltimore, Maryland / Baltimore Banner
Kylie Cooper / @kyliecooperphoto / Baltimore, Maryland / Baltimore Banner (Fellow)
Sophie Park / @sophieupark / Boston, Massachusetts
Angela Rowlings / @angelarowlings / Boston, Massachusetts
Adam Dewey / @adjadewey / Detroit, Michigan
Nick Antaya / @nicantaya / Detroit, Michigan
Jake May / @jakemayphoto / Flint, Michigan
Sarah Beth Maney / @sbmaneyphoto / Michigan / Detroit Free Press
Alex Korman / @alexkormann12 / Minneapolis, Minnesota / Star Tribune
Joel Alquist / @jahlquist / Rochester, Minnesota
Nicole Neri / @nicolehneri / Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minh Connors / @minhconnors / Columbia, Missouri
Charlie Riedel / @charlie_riedel_pix / Kansas City, Missouri / AP
Hannah Ruhoff / @theruhoffphotography / Biloxi, Mississippi / Sun Herald
Rory Doyle / @rorydoylephoto / Cleveland, Mississippi
Micah Green / @micahgreen15 / Mississippi
Ben Allen Smith / @basmith.photo / Missoula, Montana / Missoulian
Ken Ferriera / @kenferriera / Lincoln, Nebraska / Lincoln Star Journal
Nikos Frazier / @nikosfrazier / Omaha, Nebraska / Omaha World Herald
Chris Machian / @chrismachian / Omaha, Nebraska / Omaha World Herald
New Hampshire
John Tully / @jtully / New Hampshire
New Mexico
Chancey Bush / @chanceybush / Alburquque, New Mexico / Alburquque Journal
New York
Alexi J. Rosenfeld / @alexirosenfeld / New York, New York
Lauren Petracca / @laurenpetracca / Rochester, New York
Gabbie Bhaskar / @dontgabalot / New York, New York
Yunghi Kim / @yunghi.kim / New York, New York / Contact Press Images
Michael Santiago / @msantiagophotos / Brooklyn, New York / Getty Images
Stephanie Keith / @steffikeith / New York, New York
Sydney Walsh / @sydneywalshphoto / New York, New York
Adam Gray / @agrayphot0 / New York, New York
Matt Burkhartt / @mattburkhartt / Rochester, New York
North Carolina
Allison Joyce / @allisonsarahjoyce / Wilmington, North Carolina
Allison Lee Isley / @allisonleeisley / Winston Salem, North Carolina
Bob Karp / @photopup / Raleigh, North Carolina
Cornell Watson / @cornwhizzle / Durham, North Carolina
Madeline Gray / @madelinepgray / Wilmington, North Carolina
Juan Diego Reyes / @juandiego_reyes / Asheville, North Carolina
Hector Vaca Cruz / @hectorvacacruz / Charlotte, North Carolina
Kate Medley / @katemedley / North Carolina
Dustin Franz / @dustin_franz / Cleveland, Ohio
Andrew Dolph / @dolphphoto / Times-Reporter
Kurt Steiss / @kurtsteiss / Toledo, Ohio / Toldeo Blade
Mason Trinca / @mason_trinca / Portland, Oregon
Hannah Beier / @hannah.beier / Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Joe Lamberti / @joe_lamb / Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mark Makela / @markmakela / Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nate Smallwood / @natesmallwood / Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
South Carolina
Andrew Whittaker / @andrewjwhitaker / Charleston, South Carolina / Post and Courier
Gavin McEntyre / @gavin_mci / Charleston, South Carolina / Post and Courier
Henry Taylor / @henrytaylorphoto / Charleston, South Carolina / Post and Courier
Jason Lee / @jleemedia / Myrtle Beach, South Carolina / The Sun News
Jeff Blake / @jeffblakephotog / Columbia, South Carolina
Joshua Boucher / @joshuaaaboucher / Columbia, South Carolina / The State Newspaper
Sam Wolfe / @samwolfephoto / Columbia, South Carolina
John Carolos II / @jac2photo / Columbia, South Carolina
Sean Rayford / @theangrywhale / Columbia, South Carolina
Thomas Hammond / @thomashammondphoto / Columbia, South Carolina
Stephanie Amador Blonder / @_stephanie_amador / Nashville, Tennessee / Tennessean
Stacy Kranitz / @stacykranitz / Tennessee
Seth Herald / @seth_herald / Nashville, Tennessee
George Walker IV / @gw004 / Nashville, Tennessee
Nicole Hester / @nshester / Nashville, Tennessee
John Moore / @jbmoorephoto / Texas / Getty Images
Brandon Bell / @branbell2019 / Austin, Texas / Getty Images
Brett Coomer / @bcoomer713 / Houston, Texas / Houston Chronicle
Emil T Lippe / @etl_photo / Dallas, Texas
Jay Janner / @jayjanner / Austin, Texas / Austin American Statesman
Sara Diggins / @sara_digginsphoto / Austin, Texas / Austin American Statesman
Sergio Flores Jr. / @sfloresjr / Austin, Texas
Go Nakamura / @gonakamu / Houston, Texas
Spenser Heaps / @sheaps / Salt Lake, Utah
Lauren Miller / @laurenmiller.jpg / Salt Lake City
Zach Roberts / @zdroberts / Norfolk, Virginia
Emree Weaver / @emree_weaver / Washington
Annie Barker / @annaleigh_marie / Everett, Washington / Everett Herald
Natalie Behring / @znatalie.bettina / Wyoming, Idaho
Ethan Weston / @ethanaweston / Buffalo, Wyoming / Buffalo Bulletin
City, STate, N/A
Barbara Davidson / @photospice
Carol Guzy / @carolguzy
Emily Schiffer / @photospice
Stuart Palley / @stuartpalley
About the author: Sean Rayford is a South Carolina photojournalist covering the southeastern United States. You can see some of his work at www.seanrayford.com