Trump visits Summerville

Photos by Sean Rayford for Getty Images

When law enforcement announced that access would open to the general public after members of the media were swept for security purposes, a small clamoring of boos flowed from the crowd waiting in line. Not as many boos as when former President Donald Trump mentioned Senator Lindsey Graham, hours later, but a good number of boos.

We had just placed our equipment against a wall for a K9 sweep, and one man in this crowd became angry after the announcement. He complained to the messenger, a man with a badge and gun, with biceps bigger than most legs - and covered in tattoos.

“You’re about to be uninvited,” he said, as the man complained about being in line since midnight, outside a boat factory in Summerville, SC. “You’re a grown man and I will embarrass you,” threatened the law enforcemnet officer, as the man continued being argumentative. In short time, he was told to remove himself from the line, as the officer walked into the crowd. He was told he was being escorted away.

After being processed through the security sweep, a law enforcement officer resembling ‘the uninviter,’ told me that he almost roundhoused me after thinking I snuck through the security checkpoint. Luckily, one of his colleagues chimed in, “He’s good.”

To see more photos or license images see: Donald Trump Speaks In South Carolina As He Campaigns For President

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About the author: Sean Rayford is a South Carolina photojournalist covering the southeastern United States. You can see some of his work at